
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Lingaa Tamil cinema review latest news

Lingaa Tamil cinema review latest news.
Raja Lingeshwaran(Rajinikanth) is a rightful heir to a famous dynasty that once ruled most parts of Southern India. Though he belongs to the royal family, Raja Lingeshwaran grows up to become a noble and learned person. When Britishers take over after abolishing the traditional Indian ruling system, drought wrecks havoc in Raja Lingeshwaran's village.

Raja Lingeshwaran takes up the initiative and requests the Britishers to build a much needed dam that would serve well for the people. But his idea is opposed citing a political reason and hence he leads from the front and inspires each and every villager to take up the responsibility to build a dam for themselves without seeking help from the foreigners.

In spite of facing many deadly hurdles from people with evil intentions, the dam is built successfully however, the hard work of an entire village doesn't bear fruit as the constructed dam is not allowed to serve its purpose by some corrupt people.

That leaves the present day Rajinikanth with a huge responsibility of finishing the work which was started by Raja Lingeshwaran and his people. But that doesn't proves to be easy as he is jolted by many obstacles. How he completes his task at hand with the help of his friends forms the remaining story.

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